作者Giorgio Volpe 喬治沃貝
繪者Parlo Proietti 保羅波易耶堤

書中的主角狐狸與睡鼠在美麗的森林裡登場後,繼之而起的就是他們一段充滿了歡笑與陪伴的親密友誼。在溫柔又和煦的畫風裡,一切如此美好,但面對遲早要循著自然節奏去冬眠的睡鼠,狐狸卻有著滿心的不捨…… 生命就是這樣。有相遇,有交會,有陪伴,有回憶,然後也有無法避免的道別時刻。再見了,有可能還能相遇,而若不能,就把一切收進記憶,並讓它變成力量。就像書中的睡鼠雖還是冬眠了,但之於狐狸,他卻也無所不在了,他走進了狐狸心中的每個角落。

The protagonists of this book, the fox and the dormouse, entered a charming forest and formed a dear friendship of laughter and companionship.

In this gentle and tender painting style, everything is lovely.

But the dormouse must follow the rhythm of the seasons and soon retreat to hibernation, although the fox finds it hard to let go...such is life, and he must say goodbye.

You meet each other, your lives cross paths, you create memories, then you inevitably have to bid farewell. Goodbye, perhaps we will see each other one day; if not, I shall cherish all the memories I have and use them as fuel to propel me forward.

The dormouse in the book left to hibernate.

But to the fox, the dormouse never left and now exists in every corner of the fox's heart.