
To be perceptive and serene
Free and at ease
A pleasant companion with no need to be seen

這是我們以一年的時間打造出來的小型園林與人文空間。室內主要展示的是中國石雕,包括佛教文物、生活器皿與裝飾性展物。室內地下樓層則是咖啡店,提供茶與咖啡。草山玉溪Garden 91除了有館藏的石雕文物之外,我們也在這裡舉辦過上百場國際交流活動,包括德國當代金工大師工作坊、世界音樂會、日本與馬來西亞大學交流計劃、多元文化藝術活動、各類講座與親子活動等。

In addition to the rock sculpture cultural relics in Garden 91, we have also held hundreds of international exchange activities here, including German contemporary metalworking master workshops, world concerts, exchange programs between Japanese and Malaysian universities, multicultural art activities, various lectures and parent-child activities, etc.