Jerome Bonnet

法國 Corbis Outline for Liberation

人物肖像 單幅 第二名

七十二歲的演員、導演、畫家與攝影家Dennis Hopper,在十月因一場個人回顧展而走訪巴黎。這個回顧展不只有他演過與導過的電影作品,還展出他的畫作與攝影作品。在停留於巴黎期間,他同時也獲頒了法國騎士勳章。

Jerome Bonnet

France, Corbis Outline for Liberation

2nd Prize Portraits Singles

Dennis Hopper (72), actor, director, painter and photographer, visited Paris in October during a retrospective of his work held at the Cinematheque francaise. The retrospective included not only films he had directed and acted in, but also an exhibition of his paintings and photographs. During the visit Hopper was made a commander in France’s National Order of Arts and Letters.