Burhan Ozbilici


突發新聞 系列報導 第一名



12月19日,在土耳其安卡拉,俄羅斯駐土耳其大使Andrey Karlov在一間畫廊發表演說的當下,遭到一名非執勤中的土耳其警員Mevlut Mert Altintas暗殺。Altintas吶喊「真主至上」,並緊接著說:「勿忘阿勒坡,勿忘敘利亞。」在土耳其特種部隊抵達畫廊後,他立即在槍戰中遭到擊斃。俄羅斯和土耳其在敘利亞內戰中分別支持敵對的兩個陣營;俄羅斯支持效忠敘利亞政府的勢力,而土耳其支持反抗軍。在此次攻擊的前一個月,俄羅斯和土耳其才剛發展成策略結盟的關係。

Burhan Ozbilici

World Press Photo of the Year

1st Prize Stories

Turkey, The Associated Press

Altintas shouts after shooting the ambassador.

Russian ambassador Andrey Karlov was assassinated by an off-duty Turkish police officer, Mevlut Mert Altintas, while he was speaking at an art gallery in Ankara, Turkey, on 19 December. Altintas shouted “Allahu akbar” (God is great) and later said: “Don’t forget Aleppo. Don’t forget Syria.” He was killed in a shootout after Turkish Special Forces arrived at the gallery. Russia and Turkey supported opposing sides in the Syrian civil war, with Russia backing forces loyal to the Syrian government and Turkey supporting certain rebel groups. In the months prior to the attack, relations between the two countries had developed into a strategic partnership.