Jodi Bieber



在阿富汗中部的Oruzgan省,18歲的Bibi Aisha因逃離夫家而遭到毀容的懲罰。她回到自己的娘家,並抱怨在夫家遭到暴力相向。某天晚上,數名男子上門要求她出面接受逃家的懲罰。Aisha被帶到一處山裡的空地,在塔利班指揮官作出裁決後,她在眾人壓制的情況下被割除雙耳和鼻子。依照當地文化,一個因為妻子而蒙羞的男人就像是失去了鼻子,所以懲罰Aisha的方式就是割掉她的鼻子。事後Aisha被棄置在現場,不久後被救出,並送到位在首都喀布爾的一處避難所。該處由救援組織Women for Afghan Women負責管理,他們提供了醫療協助以及心理輔導。之後,Aisha被送到美國,接受更進一步的心理諮商和臉部重建手術。

Jodi Bieber

South Africa, Institute for Artist Management/Goodman Gallery for Time magazine

Photo of the Year

Bibi Aisha (18), was disfigured as retribution for fleeing her husband’s house in Oruzgan province, in the center of Afghanistan. She had returned to her parents’ home, complaining of violent treatment by her in-laws. Men arrived there one night demanding that she be handed over to be punished for running away. Aisha was taken to a mountain clearing, where, at the orders of a Taliban commander, she was held down and had first her ears sliced off, then her nose. In local culture, a man who has been shamed by his wife is said to have lost his nose, and this is seen as punishment in return. Aisha was abandoned, but later rescued and taken to a shelter in Kabul run by the aid organization Women for Afghan Women, where she was given treatment and psychological help. After time in the refuge, she was taken to America to receive further counseling and reconstructive surgery.