Ed Kashi

美國 VII Photo Agency

當代議題 單幅 第二名

九歲的Nguyen Thi Li住在越南中部大城峴港的五行山區,人們相信一種叫「橘劑」的化學落葉劑造成了她的身體缺陷。越戰期間,美軍在森林和農田噴灑橘劑,試圖讓越共游擊隊失去掩護和食物來源。這種落葉劑中使用的戴奧辛化合物是長效性毒素,會遺傳給後代,因此即使四十年後毒害依然存在。越南紅十字會估計,有超過十五萬名越南兒童是因父母曾曝露在戴奧辛中而出現身體缺陷,包括糖尿病、心臟病、肢體和學習障礙。

Ed Kashi

USA, VII Photo Agency

2nd Prize Contemporary Issues Singles

Nguyen Thi Li (9), who lives in the Ngu Hanh Son district of Da Nang in Vietnam, suffers from disabilities believed to be caused by the defoliating chemical Agent Orange. During the Vietnam War, US forces sprayed Agent Orange over forests and farmland in an attempt to deprive Viet Cong guerrillas of cover and food. The dioxin compound used in the defoliant is a long-acting toxin that can be passed down genetically, so it is still having an impact forty years on. The Vietnam Red Cross estimates that some 150,000 Vietnamese children are disabled owing to their parents’ exposure to the dioxin. Symptoms range from diabetes and heart disease to physical and learning disabilities.