Samuel Aranda


2011世界新聞攝影比賽 年度照片

10月15日,在葉門首都沙那,一名婦女Fatima al-Qaws在懷中擁著受傷的兒子Zayed。反對執政長達33年的總統薩利赫的一連串抗議行動在當天情勢升高,18歲的Zayed也在參加街頭遊行時受到催淚瓦斯襲擊。目擊者指出,當天有數千人走上沙那街頭,群眾在經過外交部附近一處政府檢查哨時遭到攻擊,至少有12人死亡,30餘人受傷。在一座充當臨時野戰醫院的清真寺裡,本身也參與反政府行動的Fatima在傷患中發現自己的兒子。受傷的Zayed昏迷了兩天,在參加後續的兩次抗議活動時,他又再度受傷。薩利赫在11月23日逃亡至沙烏地阿拉伯,並簽署協議將權力移交給副總統哈迪。2012年2月25日,贏得總統大選的哈迪宣誓就職,薩利赫掌權的時代也正式告終。

Samuel Aranda

Spain, for The New York Times

World Press Photo of the Year 2011

Fatima al-Qaws cradles her son Zayed (18), who is suffering from the effects of tear gas after participating in a street demonstration, in Sanaa, Yemen, on 15 October. Ongoing protests against the 33-year-long regime of authoritarian President Ali Abdullah Saleh escalated that day. Witnesses said that thousands marched down Zubairy Street, a main city thoroughfare, and were fired on when they reached a government checkpoint near the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Some demonstrators retreated, others carried on and were shot at again. At least 12 people were killed and some 30 injured. Ms Qaws—who was herself involved in resistance to the regime—found her son after a second visit to look for him, among the wounded at a mosque that was being used as a temporary field hospital. Zayed remained in a coma for two days after the incident. He was injured on two further occasions, as demonstrations continued. On 23 November, President Saleh flew to Saudi Arabia, and signed an agreement transferring power to his deputy, Abdurabu Mansur Hadi. Saleh’s rule ended formally when Hadi was sworn