Vincent Boisot

法國,Riva Press for Le Figaro Magazine

藝術娛樂 單幅 第二名

在塞內加爾的首都達卡市中心,一名模特兒坐在裁縫鋪前擺好姿勢,讓攝影師為她拍照。此時正逢第九屆的達卡時裝週,她身上穿的服裝出自現已移居美國的塞內加爾設計師Yolande Ngom Mancini之手。時裝週由模特兒轉型為設計師的Adama Paris發起,在2003年初次舉辦時,還是一個沒有政府援助的私人商業活動,如今已是非洲各國設計師展現作品的重要舞台。

Vincent Boisot

France, Riva Press for Le Figaro Magazine

2 nd prize Arts and Entertainment Singles

A model poses in front of a tailor’s stall in the center of Dakar, Senegal during the ninth edition of the Dakar Fashion Week. She is wearing a dress by US-based Senegalese designer Yolande Ngom Mancini. The Fashion Week began in 2003, as a private venture without government support, at the initiative of former model turned designer Adama Paris and has become a leading showcase for design from across the continent.