
Irina Werning


2020年8月,住在阿根廷布宜諾斯艾利斯12歲的Antonella,發誓只有在能回學校上實體課程時,她才會把頭髮剪了。學校因為COVID-19 疫情而停止到校上課。Antonella 表示,她願意用自己最珍貴的寶藏換取校園生活。她的頭髮是她的自我認同。她表示:「當我回學校時,他們會知道我已經是個不同的人了,我覺得自己已非昔日的我。」她在2021年9月25日,到校上課之前的週末剪掉了頭髮。

2021年6月13日,阿根廷布宜諾斯艾利斯的家中房間裡,Antonella 用母親的手機連線Zoom上課。她的父母希望孩子能保持學習進度,同時也與其他家長透過WhatsApp舉行小組討論與線上聚會。

South America, Stories

Irina Werning

Argentina, Pulitzer Center

In August 2020, Antonella (12), who lives in Buenos Aires, Argentina, vowed to cut her long hair only when she could resume in-person classes at school, which had been suspended as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Antonella said she was offering up her most precious treasure in exchange for getting her school life back. Her hair was her identity. She said: “When I finally go back to school they will know I’m a different person, I feel like a different person.” She cut her hair on 25 September 2021, on the weekend before she returned to classes.

Antonella studies via Zoom, using her mother’s mobile phone, in her room at home in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on 13 June 2021. Her parents are keen that she keeps up-to- date with her education, and, along with other parents, organize group studies and virtual get-togethers via WhatsApp.