體育專題 系列報導 第一名

Peter Holgersson


瑞典七項全能選手Nadia Casadei在被診斷出罹患淋巴癌之前,在2013年夏季參加了世界田徑錦標賽和歐洲田徑錦標賽。Casadei決心要繼續她的體育生涯,在接受治療過程中仍不斷接受訓練。七項全能是一種包括七項比賽的競技,難度極高。賽程為期兩天,包括100公尺跨欄、跳高、跳遠、鉛球、擲標槍、200公尺賽跑和800公尺賽跑。Casadei在化療期間中依然持續進行訓練並保持高度信心,還宣示計畫挑戰2016年即將在巴西里約熱內盧舉行的夏季奧運會。

1st Prize Sports Features Stories

Peter Holgersson


Heptathlon athlete Nadja Casadei participated in both World and European Championships in athletics, before being diagnosed with lymphatic cancer, in the summer of 2013. Casadei was determined to continue her athletic career, and kept up a training regime throughout her treatment for the disease. The heptathlon is a grueling two-day event that includes hurdles, high jump, long jump, shot put, javelin, and both 200m and 800m running. Casadei kept up her regime and her spirits during her period of chemotherapy, and declared her intention to try for the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympics.