人物肖像 系列報導 第二名
Daniel Ochoa de Olza
在西班牙首都馬德里市郊的Colmenar Viejo地區,人們正在舉行Las Mayas節的慶祝活動,這個傳統節日源自於中古世紀時的異教徒儀式,在每年五月初舉行,慶祝春天來臨。一般會有五、六組民眾在主要的城市廣場和鄰近街道上設置用植物和花卉裝飾而成的祭壇,之後每一組會挑選一位年齡介於六到十五歲之間的年輕女孩為”Maya”女孩。獲選的女孩必須身著白色衣裙,披上絲質刺繡的馬尼拉披肩,莊重肅穆地坐在祭壇上,保持數小時的沉默與靜止不動。
People 2nd Prize Stories
Daniel Ochoa de Olza
Spain, The Associated Press
The feast of Las Mayas, in Colmenar Viejo, on the outskirts of Madrid, Spain, has its origins in pagan ritual. It is held annually at the beginning of May, to celebrate spring. Five or six groups create altars adorned with plants and flowers on the main town square and adjacent streets, and each selects a young girl between the ages of six and 15 to be a ‘Maya’. She must then sit on the altar—very still, silent and serious—wearing a white blouse and skirt, and a Manila shawl.