自然生態 單幅 第二名
Anuar Patjane Floriuk
在墨西哥的太平洋沿岸地區,一頭座頭鯨帶著剛出生不久的幼鯨游向Roca Partida小島。這座小島在雷維利亞希赫多群島四座島嶼中面積最小,繁殖季節時會有大群的座頭鯨在附近的水域棲息,因此這裡也是一處熱門的潛水景點。雷維利亞希赫多群島屬於火山岩質,除了一小支海軍外,島上無人居住。聯合國教科文組織在1994年宣布該群島為生物圈保護區,目前也正在評估將此處列為自然遺產。(譯註:已於2016年7月正式被選為自然遺產。)
Nature 2nd Prize Singles
Anuar Patjane Floriuk
A humpback whale and her newborn calf swim near Roca Partida, the smallest island of the Revilla-gigedo archipelago, off the Pacific coast of Mexico. During the mating season, the island waters are home to a large population of humpback whales, and are a popular diving destination. The islands are volcanic and are themselves uninhabited, apart from a small naval presence. They were declared a biosphere reserve in 1994, and are currently under consideration as a UNESCO natural heritage site.