長期專題 第一名
Romain Laurendeau
阿爾及利亞的人口組成一半以上是年輕人,據聯合國教科文組織報告指出,阿爾及利亞30歲以下的人口中有72%失業。在阿爾及利亞的歷史中,憤青是許多關鍵時刻的核心。高失業率導致了無聊與充滿挫折的日常生活,許多年輕人感到與國家及社會脫節。在諸如阿爾及爾的巴布瓦德(Bab el-Oued)這樣被忽視的工人階級社區中,社區意識和團結精神通常無法戰勝惡劣生活條件所帶來的考驗。2019年2月,成千上萬來自工人階級社區的年輕人再次走上街頭,最終成了反對長期在位的總統包特夫里卡的全國抗議運動。 Kho(在北非阿拉伯口語中為「兄弟」之意)是本系列作品的題名,此系列呈現了這場反抗行動的源起,講述了青年們深深的不安。年輕人大膽地挑戰權威,激發了其他人民的參與,進而引發了幾十年來阿爾及利亞規模最大的抗議運動。
Long-Term Projects 1st Prize
Romain Laurendeau
Kho, the Genesis of a Revolt
Young people make up more than half of Algeria’s population, and according to a UNESCO report 72% of people under 30 in Algeria are unemployed. Pivotal moments in Algerian history have had angry youth at their core. High unemployment leads to boredom and frustration in everyday life and many young people feel disconnected from the state and its institutions. In neglected working-class neighborhoods such as Bab el-Oued in Algiers, a sense of community and solidarity is often not enough to erase the trials of poor living conditions. In February 2019, thousands of young people from working-class neighborhoods again took to the streets in what became a nationwide challenge to the reign of long-time president Abdelaziz Bouteflika. Kho (the word means ‘brother’ in colloquial North-African Arabic) is about the genesis of a revolt. It is the story of the deep unease of youth, who, by daring to challenge authority, inspired the rest of the population to join their action, giving birth to the largest protest movement in Algeria in decades.
Friends relax and watch television in their diki, a converted storeroom in Bab el-Oued. Young people often seek refuge in diki—private places that are ‘bubbles of freedom’ away from the gaze of society and from conservative social values.