Mike Hutchings

南非 路透社

體育新聞 單幅 第一名

七月六日,在南非開普敦舉辦的世界盃足球賽準決賽中,荷蘭隊的Demy de Zeeuw被烏拉圭隊的Martin Caceres意外踢中臉部。荷蘭隊最後以三比二贏得這場比賽。De Zeeuw因為疑似下顎骨折而送醫救治。雖然他最後順利歸隊,卻沒有在決賽時上場比賽,最後荷蘭隊以零比一輸給西班牙隊。

Mike Hutchings

South Africa, Reuters

1st Prize Sports Singles

The Netherlands’ Demy de Zeeuw is accidentally kicked in the face by Uruguay’s Martin Caceres during a World Cup semi-final soccer match in Cape Town, South Africa, on 6 July. The Dutch won the match 3-2. De Zeeuw was taken to hospital with a suspected broken jaw. He was later able to rejoin his teammates but was not selected to play in the final, when the Dutch lost 0-1 to Spain.