Laerke Posselt

丹麥,for Politiken

人物肖像 單幅 第一名

女演員Mellica Mehraban在伊朗出生,但在丹麥長大。她在伊朗間諜驚悚片「獵狐」擔任女主角,五月時哥本哈根舉辦了伊朗電影節,這部電影也首次在丹麥放映。片中角色對她頗具挑戰性,因為她必須重新熟悉波斯語,並學習如何在不用言語或肢體動作向男演員表達的形況下,在銀幕上演繹愛情。此外,她也必須做好自我心理調適,在這部可能被視為反西方的電影中扮演反派角色。

Laerke Posselt

Denmark, for Politiken

1st Prize Portraits Singles

Actress Mellica Mehraban, who was born in Iran but grew up in Denmark, played a lead role in the Iranian spy thriller ‘Fox Hunting’, which had its first Danish screening at an Iranian film festival in Copenhagen in May. The role presented her with some challenges, as she had to brush up on her Farsi, and learn how to portray love on screen without telling or touching the man in question. Mehraban also had to reconcile herself to playing the villain in what could be seen as an anti-Western film.