人物肖像 單幅 第一名

Brent Stirton

南非,Getty Images

在印度的西孟加拉邦,失明的白化症學生站在Vivekananda 教會學校的宿舍中。這是一所專為盲人設立的寄宿學校,負責教導貧困的盲童必要的生存技能,否則他們有可能需要乞討維生。

1st Prize Staged Portraits Singles

Brent Stirton

South Africa, Reportage by Getty Images

Blind albino students stand in a dorm at the Vivekananda Mission School, a boarding school for the blind, in West Bengal, India. The school teaches vital skills to blind children from underprivileged backgrounds, who might otherwise have to beg for a living.