動態新聞 單幅 第一名

Emiliano Lasalvia

阿根廷,La Nación

12月1日,在阿根廷馬球公開錦標賽的一場賽事中,Pablo MacDonough從馬背上摔落。這項比賽從1893年開始每年舉辦,是世界上最重要的業餘馬球錦標賽,也是國際馬球大滿貫比賽之一。MacDonough的個人排名為世界第五,他的隊伍La Dolfina最後贏得冠軍。

1st Prize Sports Action Singles

Emiliano Lasalvia

Argentina, La Nación

Pablo MacDonough falls at a match during the Argentine Polo Open Championship, on 1 December. Part of the international polo Grand Slam, the competition is the world's most important polo championship at club level, and has been held annually since 1893. As an individual, MacDonough was ranked fifth in the world. His team, La Dolfina, won the championship.