Mulugeta Ayene


突發新聞 系列 第一名

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3月10日,衣索比亞航空ET302航班—— 一架波音737 MAX,從阿迪斯阿貝巴機場起飛六分鐘後墜毀於地,機上157人全體喪生。情況與2018年10月的737 MAX墜毀事件相似。這兩起事件中,飛行員都無法控制預防故障的自動化安全系統,即使一切運作正常,該系統卻反復讓機頭下傾。後來發現,美國航空公司的飛行員曾與波音公司嚴正提出MAX機型的潛在安全問題。波音曾承諾會進行軟體修復,但直至ET302航班墜毀時仍尚未完成。世界各國此機型飛機紛紛停飛。墜機事故發生後一週仍無法確認受害者身份,因此在阿迪斯阿貝巴舉行了空棺安葬儀式。官員們向親屬獻上了從墜機現場裝袋的塵土。



Mulugeta Ayene

Ethiopia, Associated Press

Spot News 1st Prize Stories

Nominee, World Press Photo of the Year

Nominee, World Press Photo Story of the Year

On 10 March, Ethiopian Airlines Flight ET302, a Boeing 737 MAX, crashed with enormous impact into a field, six minutes after take-off from Addis Ababa airport, killing all 157 people on board. Circumstances seemed similar to an earlier 737 MAX crash, in October 2018. In both cases pilots were struggling to deal with an automated safety system designed to prevent stalling, which was repeatedly pushing the nose of the plane down, even though nothing was wrong. It later emerged that American Airlines pilots had confronted Boeing about potential safety issues with the MAX. Boeing had promised a software fix, which had not been done by the time Flight ET302 crashed. Countries across the world grounded the plane. A week after the crash, empty coffins were buried at a ceremony in Addis Ababa, as victims were still unable to be identified. Officials gave relatives bags of earth from the crash site.

A relative throws dirt in her face as she grieves at the crash site, on 14 March. (Nominee, World Press Photo of the Year)