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Bulent Kilic
三月十二日,在土耳其伊斯坦堡,一名年輕女孩在塔克辛廣場附近的衝突中受傷掛彩。這次衝突的雙方為鎮暴警察和參加15歲少年Berkin Elvan葬禮隊伍的群眾。在2012年6月的反政府示威行動期間,Elvan在出門買麵包時頭部被一枚催淚瓦斯罐擊中,陷入昏迷九個月之後去世。當時的示威行動起因是政府計畫將該市的格濟公園改建為清真寺和購物商場,抗議聲浪升高後演變為全國人民對日益專制的總理埃爾多安表達不滿情緒。Elvan的死在全國各地都引發了更進一步的反政府抗爭。即使如此,埃爾多安在五個月後的選舉中仍順利當選為土國總統。
1st Prize Spot News Singles
Bulent Kilic
Turkey, Agence France-Presse
A young girl, wounded during clashes near Taksim Square in Istanbul, Turkey, on 12 March. Violence broke out between riot police and people attending the funeral procession of 15-year-old Berkin Elvan. He had been hit on the head by a teargas canister while out buying bread, during anti-government demonstrations the previous June, and died following a nine-month coma. The June protests had begun over plans to develop the city's Gezi Park into a mosque and shopping center, and had escalated into national expressions of opposition to what was seen as Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's growing authoritarianism. Elvan's death triggered further anti-government protests across the country. Despite such opposition, Erdogan was elected as president of Turkey five months later.