Mohammed Badra
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2月 25日 al-Shifunieh村莊疑似受到氯氣化武攻擊,孩子們在遭到攻擊過後接受治療。
至 2018年 2月為止,在大馬士革外圍的東古塔,當地人已經處在政府武力包圍的狀況下 長達五年,該地是尚未停歇的敘利亞內戰中,僅存的叛軍領地之一。在 2月 25日的最後 一波攻擊中,東古塔遭受火箭砲和空投炸彈攻擊,還包含至少一次對 al-Shifunieh村莊的 毒氣攻擊。無國界醫生公布從 2月 18日到 3月 3日之間,受傷人數達 4,829人,死亡人數 則有 1,005人。
Mohammed Badra
Syria, European Pressphoto Agency
Spot News 2nd Prize Stories
Nominee, World Press Photo of the Year
Children receive treatment after the suspected chlorine attack on the village of al-Shifunieh, 25 February.
By February 2018, the people of Eastern Ghouta outside Damascus, one of the last rebel enclaves in the ongoing Syrian conflict, had been under siege by government forces for five years. During the final offensive, Eastern Ghouta came under rocket fire and air bombardment, including at least one alleged gas attack—on the village of al-Shifunieh, on 25 February. Médecins Sans Frontières reported 4,829 wounded and 1,005 killed between 18 February and 3 March.