
Simone Tramonte




再生能源、新的食物生產技術與循環經濟是歐洲企業尋求綠色轉型的主要方向。根據聯合國人權事務高級專員辦事處所稱,人類引起的氣候變遷對自然環境與社會所造成的影響,是這個世界經歷過最大也最全面的威脅。這促使歐盟設定了目標:在2030年以前將溫室氣體排放量至少減少 55%,並在2050年以前達到淨零排放。此攝影師記錄了有助於達成目標的創新科技。

Europe, Long-Term Projects

Simone Tramonte

Italian, born 1976

Net-Zero Transition

Greenhouse operations in Ostellato, Italy, pictured on 22 February 2021, are based on a circular economy. Plant waste fuels the biogas (renewable fuel) plant that powers the greenhouse.

Renewable energies, new technologies for food production, and the circular economy can be seen as key directions among European companies seeking a green transition. Human-induced climate change is the largest, most pervasive threat to the natural environment and society that the world has ever experienced, according to the OCHR. This prompted the European Union to establish targets to cut greenhouse emissions by at least 55 percent by 2030 and to reduce them to net-zero by 2050. The photographer documents innovative technologies that offer possible routes to these goals.