單幅 第二名
Iván Macías
全世界的醫護人員都站在對抗COVID-19的最前線。在富比世於2020年11月對37個國家所做的調查當中,墨西哥有78,200名醫護人員感染COVID-19,是當時全球醫護人員感染率最高的國家。總統羅培茲歐布拉最初低估了COVID-19帶來的威脅與嚴重性,允許大型公眾集會,並讓人們為旅遊旺季的延續做準備。3月下旬,疫情爆發開始封城,但到了4月,總統就宣布疫情已得到控制。5月13日是疫情後單日死亡人數的高峰,共有 353 人死亡。當日不到 24 小時,總統宣布鬆綁封城措施。毫無約束力的防疫政策讓精疲力竭的醫護人員對政府的批評聲浪逐漸升高。
2nd Prize Singles
Iván Macías
A doctor stands at the end of her shift, the marks left by a protective mask and goggles clearly visible on her face, in Mexico City, Mexico, on 19 May.
Healthcare workers worldwide were at the forefront of the battle against COVID-19. Of 37 countries surveyed by Forbes in November 2020, Mexico reported 78,200 COVID infections among healthcare workers—the highest per capita rate in the world. President López Obrador initially played down the severity of the threat from COVID, allowing large public gatherings and preparations for the tourist season to continue. Once cases started to climb, in late March, a lockdown went into effect, but by April the president declared the disease under control. On 13 May, less than 24 hours after the country had reported its deadliest day during the pandemic, with 353 deaths recorded, he announced an easing of lockdown measures. Exhausted healthcare workers became increasingly critical of policies that did not enforce stricter anti-COVID regulations.