系列故事 第二名
Ciril Jazbec

印度北方拉達克地區的居民正在建造可持續供應水源到夏天的巨型冰錐。拉達克是個會面臨水源短缺的寒漠,尤其是種植季節。2013年一名拉達克工程師Sonam Wangchuk想到了一個儲存喜馬拉雅山冬季融水以在春季利用的方法。冰雪融水從高處經地下管道流下,噴出形成噴泉,而噴出的水滴在零下溫度瞬間凍結,堆積成為冰塔。2020年已在26處村莊建造了冰塔,同時另一條輸送管正在施工中,預計可再造50個冰塔。


2nd Prize Stories
Ciril Jazbec
Slovenia, for National Geographic

Communities in the Ladakh region of northern India are building huge ice cones that provide water into summer. Ladakh is a cold desert that faces acute water shortages, particularly during the planting season. In 2013, Sonam Wangchuk, a Ladakhi engineer, came up with an idea to store winter Himalayan meltwater and release it in spring. Meltwater is carried down from higher ground in underground pipes, and fountains outwards, freezing in subzero temperatures to form a stupa of ice. Stupas were established in 26 villages in 2020, and a pipeline is under construction to create 50 more.

The youth group that built this ice stupa in Gya installed a café in its base.