系列故事 第一名
Chris Donovan

弗林特美洲豹隊的明星球員Taevion Rushing在球隊更衣室內跨跳過置物櫃。


1st Prize Stories
Nominee, World Press Photo Story of the Year
Chris Donovan

Flint Jaguars team star Taevion Rushing jumps from one locker to another in the team locker room.

The Flint Jaguars basketball team in Flint, Michigan, USA, embodies efforts to nurture stability, encourage mutual support and strengthen community spirit in a city struggling to survive. Flint is striving against outmigration and the systemic neglect of high-poverty, predominantly Black, neighborhoods. The Flint Jaguars were established in 2017, merging the teams of the last two remaining high schools. By March 2020, the team had won more games than in the previous three years combined, when COVID-19 forced the cancellation of the season.