一般新聞 系列 第一名
Ivor Prickett
愛爾蘭, 紐約時報
2017年 1月 16日到 9月 16日
經過數月的攻防,雖然衝突仍在城市中的某些角落持續進行,7月 10日當天,伊拉克政府宣布已從伊斯蘭國手中解放摩蘇爾。伊拉克政府在 2017年 1月底收復東摩蘇爾;而西摩蘇爾,特別是建物密集的老城,難度則較高。成千上萬的平民在兩方交火中喪生,倖存者則嚴重短缺食物與飲水。
General News 1st Prize Stories
Nominee, World Press Photo of the Year
Ivor Prickett
Ireland, for The New York Times
16 January - 16 September 2017
ISF soldiers care for a boy who they suspect had been used as a human shield by a fleeing militant.
On 10 July, after months of fighting, the Iraqi government declared Mosul liberated from ISIS, although conflict continued in pockets of the city. East Mosul was recaptured by late January 2017; west Mosul, particularly the densely built-up Old City, proved more difficult. Thousands of civilians were killed in crossfire; survivors were left severely short of food and water.