系列 第二名
George Steinmetz
美國, 國家地理

2016年 6月 13日至 2017年 7月 9日

中國個人收入飛快上升,導致飲食需求轉變,人們大量消費肉類、奶製品及加工食品。中國為養活其佔全球 19%的人口,必須利用世界上 12%的可耕土地,即便新科技和農業改革解決了部分問題,但農民與年輕人蜂擁至城市導致的農村人口老化,以及工業污染農地,都仍是未改善的現況。

2nd Prize Stories
George Steinmetz
USA, for National Geographic

Workers process meat in the main cutting room of Jinluo Meat, in Shandong, eastern China.

13 June 2016 - 9 July 2017

Rapidly rising incomes in China have led to a changing diet and increasing demand for meat, dairy and processed foods. China needs to make use of some 12 percent of the world’s arable land to feed nearly 19 percent of the global population. New technologies and agricultural reform offer a partial solution, but problems remain as farmers and the young flock to work in cities, leaving an aging rural population, and as land becomes contaminated by industry.