系列 第一名
Adam Ferguson
澳洲, 紐約時報

2017年 8月 29日至 9月 22日

這是一系列在奈及利亞博爾諾州的邁杜古里市拍下的肖像照,照片中的女孩曾被博科哈拉姆的武裝份子綁架。博科哈拉姆是一個以奈及利亞為據點的伊斯蘭武裝組織,其名意 謂「禁止西方教育」。2014年起,他們攻擊學校,綁架了超過 2名女人和女孩,並將她們打扮得美麗動人,綁上炸藥,下令她們在人群眾多之處引爆炸彈;但照片中的她們沒有引爆,反而成功脫逃並得到援助。女性自殺炸彈客被武裝份子視為一種新式武器。此組織在 2017年的一至三月以 27名孩童進行了自殺炸彈攻擊,而前一年同時期則只有 9名。

1st Prize Stories
Nominee, World Press Photo of the Year
Adam Ferguson
Australia, for The New York Times

29 August - 22 September 2017

Portraits of girls kidnapped by Boko Haram militants, taken in Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria. The girls were made up to look beautiful, strapped with explosives, and ordered to blow themselves up in crowded areas, but managed to escape and find help instead of detonating the bombs. Boko Haram—a Nigeria-based militant Islamist group whose name translates roughly to ‘Western education is forbidden’—expressly targets schools and has abducted more than 2,000 women and girls since 2014. Female suicide bombers are seen by the militants as a new weapon of war. The group used 27 children in suicide attacks in the first quarter of 2017, compared to nine during the same period the previous year.