系列 第一名
Ami Vitale
美國, 國家地理

2016年 9月 29日至 2017年 2月 23日

在肯亞北部桑布魯族祖先的故鄉,當地社區共同經營了「雷特提大象生態園區」,照顧幼小的孤象與棄象,並協助牠們重回野地。這個象群孤兒院於 2016年創立,而在此工作的男人們都是現役或退役的桑布魯族戰士。從前當地人認為大象可能威脅人類與其財產, 因此無意拯救象群;而現在他們開始與動物們產生新的互動關係。

1st Prize Stories
Ami Vitale
USA, for National Geographic

Mary Lengees, one of Reteti’s first female keepers, caresses Suyian, the sanctuary’s first resident.

29 September 2016 - 23 February 2017

Orphaned and abandoned elephant calves are rehabilitated and returned to the wild, at the community-owned Reteti Elephant Sanctuary in northern Kenya. The sanctuary is located in the ancestral homeland of the Samburu people. The elephant orphanage was established in 2016 by local people, and the men working there are, or were at some time, Samburu warriors. In the past, local people weren’t much interested in saving elephants, which can be a threat to humans and their property, but now they are beginning to relate to the animals in a new way.